Thursday 5 May 2011

Slices of Lights and Shadows

Hey ya guys. I have been wanting to make a blog post since ages ago, but somehow i juz didnt really post anything because i was too lazy to do anything. Just for the recent updates tho. 1stly, i have removed the chatbox or the shoutbox located on the right. This was done because i juz thort its been kinda bothering me for a while, especially with the colours, and stuff, and it looks kinda ugly sitting there. And besides, its not like alot of ppl wud go there and leave a comment for me, so might as well delete it. Another thing is that, i have deleted the comment section on the right, just so other ppl wudnt see wat are some of the comments. I deleted it because i juz thort there wasnt any need to put in so many so-called fancy stuff. So i am done with all those fancy stuffs on my blog. I think, staying original is the best way to go as well. I previously placed some ads and hoping that i can earn big bucks thru blogging, but tat was juz a stupid fantasy tat i had. So i aint really fussed with any sort of advertising anymore, but it aint hurting to put some on, so i got myself signed up with Nuffnang.

OK enough of these bullshits. Time to move on to some other interesting topics. So i got my pay on wednesday, the amount looked huge, and it got drained out in no time. Mainly because i still owe my mum some money, and i have to pay off bits and pieces here and there. But i had a look through different stuff online, and i figured out, maybe getting the shoes that i wan , isnt the way to go. I might need a replacement. The shoes that i originally wanted cost so much tat i cant even afford it with juz my 1 or 2 weeks pay. So i figured out, maybe its about time for me to get a switch, for the meantime, and get it sometime when i have the money. 

So one night, me and ken went to matt's place just to chat. It was originally a movie night session with those two mates, but i eventually called it off in the end. I just thort, its gonna be boring if we watch movie, since we hardly even had time to get together lik e this. We met up, and we toked about various things, ranging from how to gym, to how to succeed in life. Apparently, matt's gonna spend some money to organise a company because his dad is retiring soon. Which makes me wonder, what does tat make me? I am here standing on my ground for so long, my life has come with some changes, but not tat major of a step. This seriously made me jealous of him. I hope one day, i can have my own company, and manage my own stuff within the company as well. It's a big dream, dreaming is the 1st step towards ur goal. I am earning around 200-300 bucks everyweek, and i barely have 100-150 leftover, from the past weeks. Above all, i am still sucking in pretty much all my units, except for auditing. So, in terms of studies, i am still lacking a big pile.
Nevermind those stuff for now. So last week sometime, we went to harbour town. We, meaning matt me, cindy and my gf. I actually have got no mood to buy stuff these days, because all the stuffs tat i wanna but is located in the city. And i bet some of u know what i know wat kinda stuff that i wan. Ok, i admit, i love burberry shirts, and a pair of gucci shoes. Which i already calculated exactly how much i need, and i dun wanna say the figure, because i feel so fucking bad spending on juz clothes and shoes. This is why recently, i have completely reduced my buying habits and stuff like tat because i know nothing will make me satisfied except for those stuffs tat i truly want. I swear i only need some of them to make me fully satisfied..Well anyway, we went to harbour town, because stupid gf was saying she wans to go to the FOREVER NEW shop there, since its a factory outlet store. Some of the popular outlet stores include, Levi's and TRANSIT. Transit generally juz sells some asian clothes, and also shoes, which some of u may like the brands, such as Lacoste. But personally i am not fond of them lol.

Portugese BBQ burger with lemon and herb basing

5 BBQ wings meal, peri peri salt on chips, and mild sauce YUM TO THE FUCKING MAX

After shopping, we went to the GOOD OLD nandos restaurant. Believe me, i will never ever get satisfied even after eating so much. Right now, i am looking at the chickens, and burgers, they juz make me drool. Well some of u may ask me, wat do i normally order. Its simple, the BBQ wings, with chips. Sauce: Mild. It is so ridiculously delicious and its not even funny. I have started eating it alot since 1st year uni, and even now, after so long for not eating it, i still love them to bits. So, if u guys wan some tasty chicken, with some delicious sauce, u wont go wrong with NANDO'S.

For someone who wants to know the reason: HAHA, ok, well not exactly like tat, but i do get some questions coming from the public and my gf: Why arent u blogging about ur gf all too much, and how come she blogs so much. The main the reason is that, i dun see the point to blog about something emotional especially on my blog. and esp between us. Because the people who i care already knows our position, and all the other people dun need to know our position, cause tats juz simply pointless. :) I hope that makes some kinda sense. HAHA

OK another thing is......its not a very big deal for me, but it is for ...some other people, but anyway, IPHONE WHITE IS HERE, well duh, its here since like 2 weeks ago ? but then u know what tho, its in adeline's hands LOL. When she got it, u have no idea, how happy she was. And especially, when people are jealous of her having the phone, it makes her even happier. Its weird, maybe she was born a devil?

In the end, i just need to say, i hope i can make it through the terms of jobs, and work...Theres defs gonna be a glimpse of light, in every tunnel, i just hope, its NOT A FUCKING TRAIN THAT RUNS EVERYTHING OVER! hahahaha, anyway guys and girls, thanks for reading, and stay tuned for my next post. sorry this blog post was a bit boring :(

Love and signing off,

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