Thursday 27 January 2011

Blend of melodies into baking adventures, ranging from studies to pointless fights

Hey guys, it is 12.11am now in Perth, and my eyes are still wide as hell. Just wanted to share some thorts on this blog with you guys, so i am telling myself, maybe i should post something up haha. Some of you may know, i actually just finished my mid-sem paper on my managerial control 301.

Yes, i study even during the summer, what a nerd, lol, but no u were half right, i aint doing this by choice, but my parents were telling i should fill in 1 unit that i failed 2 semesters before. So here i am, pretty free after the mid-sem and just thort i might share my stories with you guys.

1st thing that i want to mention is that i am stupid, and i just realised The Veronica's 1st album is good. I never thort they have changed so much from then, and i heard alot of people saying their 1st album is actually better than any other songs lol. Right now, i know what they mean, and i couldnt agree less. So, if you guys are running out of songs to listen to, please go and have a try on these songs. The album name is The Secret Of.., if you use bit torrent, u can easily pick the album at :)

2nd thing that i want to show you guys is the cake that my girl friend baked yesterday. It was a vanilla cake, and it doesnt taste as good as the chocolate mud cake. she has baked tons of cakes before using the pre-mixed packages from IGA, but my favourite is none other than the chocolate mud cake haha. Poor her.

Anyways, pretty tired studying for my mid-sem, probably going to have a rest soon. This is ideal, signing off.

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