Monday 24 January 2011

Scythe.SG vs SB.Gigabyte

Good morning guys, as i have said before, this blog is going to be about alot of stuffs, including Dota replays. So here we go today, this post is going to be a replay based on Scythe and Starsboba.

Replays taken from

Introduction: Scythe.SG is actually a newly created team consist of Yamateh from the, and hyhy from the original team. Due to communication problem in, Yamateh has chosen to leave recently. i dont really know what's the story behind HyHy's new team creation idea. All i know is this is for sure gonna be an epic team.

Content: Yamateh and Hyhy going onto Necrolite and Shadow Fiend, respectively. Followed by SoSoon, MangaQ and Recca, going onto Morphling, Razor, and Alchemist, respectively. Scores were all pretty even throughout the game.

End game items and analysis:
Hyhy: Satanic, Butterfly, BKB, Threads, Blink Dagger
Yamateh: Shiva's Guard, Guinsoo, Boots of Travel, Mekasm, Pipe

Morphling: Linkin Sphere, Sange and Yasha, Ethereal Blade
Razor: Hood, Blade Mail, Meka
Alchemist: 2x Platemails, Vanguard, Blademail

overall sentinel's carries have been doing very well, especially with Yamateh farming up and being extremely tanky, with around 2k Hp, and nearly 40 armour after frost's armour by the lich. No much comments can be made for sentinel, except personally i think Butterfly for Shadow Fiend is a little bit too over-rated, which only provides you with 30 agilitty, 30 increased attack speed, 30 evasion. I am not sure why hasnt anyone gone for an Ice of skadi instead, because it provides all stats with 25 boost, hence leaving u with alot of excess HP and MP pool. Personally, i think, since skadi and butterfly havent had much of a difference in terms of Gold count, but skadi provides better survivability throughout, and even for a game like this, going up against an ogre magi, and venge line-up, there's always a chance that you would get caught in the midst of the fight, and get multi-casted followed by morphling's DPS. Therefore, my personal opinion is, having hyhy going for a skadi instead of a butterfly.

Scourge hasn't been doing all too bad in team fights, except for poor item choices. SoSoon as usual, been showing the viewers his solid play through his stable farming however, he is lost due to Alchemist and Razor. I would also like to point out that, he has picked up an ethereal blade around 35-40 minutes mark. Personally i think this is a mistake, he should have gone farming it FIRST up, then going back to his linken's and S Y build, reason for this recommended build is that, ethereal blade is like an armlet of morridgan, the quicker u get it, the more efficient it is. No one can deny that truth, because as everyone would know, people started having more HP and MP pool throughout the game, therefore, having an ether blast, it allows morphling to quickly pick out support heroes in the jungle or even in the lane juz by themselves.

The other two big mistakes that scourge has, are alchemist's and razor's build. They are playing it totally wrong. Alchemist should have gone radiance first up after a vanguard, and he shouldnt have bought a blademail, he doesnt have enough presence to be recognised with, and especially with his blademail switched on, the entire sentinel is going to switch target to morphling or razor and DPSing them down. Alchemist should have played with Radiance, Assault Cuirass, and Shiva's to have his presence for the benefits of his team mates. Razor hasnt been played alot, but by referring to Nirvana.zhou's play, it is almost crucially important to stack up static link to drain opponent's carry's damage, and this way, you eliminate a factor. And of course with that being said, a farmed up razor is normally going to have aids with a Tri-lane, which we didnt see from this case.

Nevertheless, epic epic game, from both sides. I am a fan of Starsboba, and yamateh, and by writing this analysis, helps me to learn alot more about team play. And PLEASE, let me know your suggestion and builds for the heroes in this game, if you doubt my personal bias towards, scourge.

This is ideal, signing off.

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