Thursday, 27 January 2011

LGD.sGty vs CHN

Hey guys, this is another pro dota commentary done by me. It's been uploaded to my Youtube page. Oh, some of you may not have known, my youtube url address is : . You might ask me, why am i both beyahooboy and ideal, so heres my answer. I have originally created a youtube page, and i have recently started this blog, by the name of ideal. So, i started uploading stuffs and videos onto my youtube page (beyahooboy), then finding out it is quite misleading, cause on youtube it says beyahooboy and here i go by the name ideal. I uploaded some videos onto youtube, and juz thort MAYBE it is not a good idea to do it beyahooboy and ideal, but i cant help it, i just cud not be bothered to create another youtube account and reupload everything haha.

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:

Introduction: Anyways, back to business.  Today's game is going to be none other than legendary LGD.sGty going up against a fairly new team, CHN. With YYF, and ZSMJ, going onto clockwerk and bone clinkz, respectively. Fairly unusual picks with the clinkz going into hard carry. On the scourge side, the hard carry is none other than Morphling, semi carries Windrunner and Batrider.

End game analysis: ZSMJ again, shined through this game, with this unsual bone clinkz pick. He has been killed and picked up by the scourge repeatedly in the early game. But due to his imba farming, his end game item at the 37 min mark, consists of the infamous divine rapier(that he has pulled off repeatedly with his other games), Eye of Skadi, Orchid of Malevolence, and a cloak(very very nice build, by using that 500 gold to reduce 15% magic incoming attacks). With this combo and build, ZSMJ Clinkz is forced to be reckoned with. He has around 2.7k HP, and armor standing on around 16-20 at the end, with damage of around 600 per right click. YFF end game build, consists of a pipe, phase boots, scepter, and a vlads, which are fairly usual build coming from a clock.

On the Scourge side, the one crucial mistake tat they had, is that the Morphling has failed to effectively use his Ethereal blade, and got the actual item too late before it is all over.  Thus, this made my argument clear: u either rush an ethereal blade, picking up support heroes early/mid game, or just skip the whole ethereal blade, and move on to something solid, such as butterfly and what not.
The other thing that scourge has mixed up is their batrider. I would suggest him to get a quick dagger for ganking purpose, especially, with the help of morphling's ether blast, this would be of a great addition towards the entire scourge's team play. It was because batrider hasnt been able to pick off early hero kills, that this is becoming a threat to the scourge. If we have looked closely to scourge's line up, we have seen this scourge playing as a mid game team. From my point of view, ever since the changes made to morphling in the 6.68 or so, morphling has been categorized to become a very frightening hero, that can own even in the early/mid game, compared to his last position with his chances of owning late being extremely vital. So all in all, i must say, either rush ethereal blade and pick up some heroes with the help of batrider, or just not choose morphling at all. You can have other carries such as shadow fiend, or even drow, but if you dont fully ultilize the use of ethereal blade and morphling, theres a always a better choice of hard carry.

Tats the end of the analysis, i hope u guys voice up ur opinions, and telling me what u dont agree on, or what u agree on. :) This is ideal signing off . Thanks for reading


  1. just wondering ideal , is skadi a good item for clinkz tho? i thought it'll be pretty useless considering that he already has the fire skill as a dmg boost , tho it gives hp and mana , there's already orchid for the mana supply , i'm just wondering and its just my opinion hey

  2. hey,well for my personal opinion, as a clinkz player, what clinkz really lacks is HP pool, and like u said, its true that he has MP pool due to the orchid, but all in all, what i personally think skadi is a great choice. It not only provides the MP and HP pool, as u know it also provides that 25% (25 Agility) attack speed boost and 25 damage. As i have said in the commentary, clinkz is the kinda hero that requires a bit of everything to be invincible, and as shown, ZSMJ has played this perfectly. Oh btw, thanks alot for commenting on this blog, and from what i have seen, ZSMJ has been playing weird heroes quite nicely, and this 1 is of no exception :)

  3. Oh and also, i would like to point out, clinkz is a very high mobility hero, due to his windwalk, frost attacks slow enemies juz have that lil bit of bonus for him for chasing purposes, over other items such as mkb or butterfly :)
