Saturday 22 January 2011

Codes and Guns

Hey, so what's up guys, its been so awfully long since i last posted anything. I have actually been thinking what to do with my current blog, so there we go, i figured out maybe this time, i would blog about something that i really enjoy in my life.

This blog is gonna be a mixed between me posting about random stuffs that i like, and the life that i am living in Australia. People in the web call me ideal, and i dun normally review my real name to any1 under normal circumstances. So once again, i am starting a new blog, this should be really exciting. Just a summary of the entries that i probably would end up posting:

1st: My personal life
2nd: A Warcraft 3's custom game called DOtA, stands for defense of the ancients
3rd: Anime
4th: Music
5th: Other irrelevant and random stuff

Oh, i would also like to mention about me casting dota replays, since i am a huge fan of professional replays and in terms of follow-ups and what not. Just a very short intro for today, peace out.

Signing off,

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