Monday 7 March 2011

21, 2202, 0703, 1002, Mended

ARGH. Today has been a long ass day for me. Sunday has always been the busiest. Church is always in the morning, then if we have lunch elsewhere, and ended up having badminton session, would be so tiring. But today was rather different. So first, i went to church, and we went for lunch, which is sort of normal. But tomorrow ( i say tomorrow, cause i am still considering today as 6th of march) would be my birthday. HOW AWESOME, u know whats even more awesome? i dont have plans on hahahaha. well, not very unusual for me, since this weekend has been so long and busy for me. Friday night, had a dinner with friends, Saturday was the only day i had some free time off, but nevertheless, i forgot what i did, but moving on to Sunday.

Today, after church, we went to ToTo restaurant in victoria park. Defs one of my favourite restaurant, cause of its decent food and rather cheap prices, compared to the others. Then came home, chilled a little bit, and went out to chill with matt, and my girl, which is always fun.

utopia session with matt and my girl

Victoria park


Bro's gf's present for me, and my girl's present :) thanks heaps!

Toto's weird paintings hahaha
I don't really wanna ramble on too much with what happened today, cause that would just be plain boring. But, eventhough tomorrow (7th of march) would be my birthday, it kinda feels like, it would just be another day. But, it would be a friendly reminder for me. Cause this year would be the year i graduate from uni, having the biggest challenges in life, shift of way of life, and nevertheless, and growing up year, yet again. My wish is very simple: May those of my loved ones, stay by my side, until the time says goodbye. :)

Relatively short post for today, but i have an excuse, i get to do whatever i want on my bday :) Thanks for reading, and have a great day!


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