Tuesday 1 March 2011

The best damn thing

BOO. haha, yes i am with such hyped mood right now to post. All the reason for you guys to read out some hell random and pointless stuffs. School has started and i havent turned up to any of the days. Because on monday, i actually was going to wake up on time, and having the alarm set and all, but, the alarm didnt go off that morning, which in turn made me skip all the classes that were on that day. So if your asking me if i felt guilty or not, i might answer you no, cause this is sam that we are talking about haha.

So that day ended without me realising, so right now it's Tuesday, which didn't happen alot of stuffs. Didn't really wanna have along ass post for today, just thought i would drop by to say something :). I actually washed my car today, when i was pretty angry with someone today. Then i thought, maybe i should wash my car for a change, cause my car got so dirty as well over the holiday.

In this photo, it represents the 2 things tat i love alot, my car, and my house hahaha
Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well.


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