Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Heavy Rotation, Part 2

It seems close, and grab-able, but somehow, i still cant grab it. It seems clear, but somehow i am still confused. It seems it's finally 1 step closer, but yet still so far away. I guess this is what life is like for me, for the past few days. It has been so uber busy recently, and i barely got time to blog, even with me quitting dota for a while, i still cant find a decent time to blog. With my work being in place, work applications being due fairly soon, countless assignments dueing and not knowing anything at all, my life is at its peak at the moment. But nevermind all that, since i have got some time off now, i might as well blog something more interesting. So yesterday was a big day for me, since most of the stuff happened and inspirations were from yesterday. To start off, i was planning to go to my class yesterday, and i walked all the way to the bus stop, and figured i didnt bring my finance text book, i went all the way back home to bring. There's a person wanting to buy the text book, i bought it 2nd hand off my friend for 50 bucks and used it for 1 semester, then finally sold it off to this guy, for 50 bucks again LOL, what a cunt LOLOL. yeh, gotta abuse the opportunity if i have one. :)

Back to my story, yesterday started off with horrible shit, which is the fact i skipped my class, cause i went all the way back home to get the text book, missing the bus. But i figured, "okay lets not waste a whole day on this, and instead, have some fun around", so me and my girl took on an adventure. LOL, adventure sounds pretty lame, but who cares~. Firstly, since we have some time before meeting the guy to pass him the text book, we went to the beloved thai restaurant WHICH WAS EFFING CLOSED? WTF #$%^&*() LOL!, so then i had to drive all the way to summerville cafe near winthrop, which was basically the start of life in perth (previously). I was living relatively close near the neighbourhood, and because it was near to my college as well, me and my mates would often chill there, after school. It kinda brings all my old memories back together once again, but this time, i am going there when i am 21, and it feels a little different cause i havent been there for quite a while, not mentioning i was with my girl tat day as well. She hasnt had a chance to come till today, cause we broke off last time. But nevertheless, we ate there for a while, and went to utopia since we had sometime off.

One of the perfume store near southlands, with insane discounts
Utopia with my favourite "breasts buns" LOL, i call them that, but really..name of it is mini custard buns hahaha
After passing the book to the person, i made my leave, and my girl were freaking annoying the fuck outa me, shouting in the car, telling me that she wants to go to the city so freaking bad. She kept screaming and screaming like a kid, and i would threaten her, " if u dun shut up, we dun fucking go" and she went silence LOL. We were toking like kids that day hahaha. But then again, i wanted to check out my guess jeans that day, i had a little bit of urge to go, and check out, and the urge eventually became a desire, since my gf was literally pulling me to go. But before those happened, we went to utopia to get bubble tea, and i realised i hate adding jellies into my bubble tea, i like it better with the jellies, so would probs stop adding it in the future, + its cheaper tat way as well. SO WE HEADED OFF to the city...

PRADA and its super-uber-glowing surroundings
Fat gf wanting to try on some clothes O____O

We walked around a little, just going through those same old stores...PRADA and GUESS, and some other stores...juz to check things out since we had sometime.

Today was...IMMENSELY hot, i dun get why last week could be cold, and this week can be sizzling hot, i was literally sweating like a bitch, walking to the uni, waiting for the bus today. I went to my missed tut today, and i felt so fking horrible not knowing literally anything at all, and some prick in my group had to piss me off. ARGH. Even with my work in place right now, i cant really imagine myself to get back to the life i was living. Life has been alot busier, and heavier to lift. And during times like these, i feel like, i am really living. Like i tire myself out, i make the most outa everyday, even if its just plain working or uni days, i certainly dont feel like i am wasting my time, especially how i kept playing dota everyday.

LOL at my feet colour different, one of the few times i wear slippers, cause it was so bloody hot...

Dont ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. Achieve and strive something that seems impossible, shoot for the stars, and if u miss, u might end up on the moon. After all, we all have a purpose on the earth. You might be surprised what you truly are capable of, one day.


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