Tuesday 22 March 2011

Moonlight shadows, Shades of the Solaces

YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHAT UP GUYS! havent been blogging for so long, and btw for this post, i would be using my normal msn language and abbreviation for longer words, cause i seriously cbf typing properly as of now. Life has been a roller coaster, and alot has happened without me blogging about it. But having said it, life has been a blast of course, in some ways, including good and bad. I actually dun really know where i should go about commenting and telling stories about my life, but i should start posting what happened today and start from there...Soooooooooooooooooooo,

Cookies, gf made for me lol

Cookies, gf made for me lol no.2

Bitch trying her hardest to make cookies HAHAHA

gf's helping mum to sort out bean sprouts O_O, and asked me for help, tat douche HAHAHA

wtf has been happening? k basically today, i had uni on, and i went there ( pretty amazing i know i know..) then i came back and bought pizza cause my cousin was bugging me to buy it for him, so i did. After tat i went out to play basketball. was freaking fun, and awesome, and again with matt hahaha. i dun really have the guts to ask just about any1 to join me for my basketball session, cause i prefer to tok it out with just matt.

But for the past few weeks, i have just been shopping my ass off, and since i am getting my 1st pay roll tomorrow, it would only be wise to owe my girl friend 160 bucks to start off + my booked gold necklace, getting ready for me to have it picked up on thursday...HOLY FUCK SO EXP, but it was 50% off, so i bought it. So there we go, my 1st pay is gone.

the new shirt i bought from french connection, i love the simplicity of the shirt, hoping that the weather is gonna be colder for the next few weeks, hot weathers arent gonna allow me to wear normal tees, cause i sweat like a fucking pig

City food court, in the city mall

all these for 20 bucks, what a bargain, these filled us up completely.

But last week, i went out with ken and matt to korean bbq, juz for the lolz, cause i have been going there quite a lot and i really like it there to be honest. foods nice, and the people there arent tat bad as well, the price is decent.

100 tonnes of food for us to devour during our starving period hahaha, nice food :)
Anyways i would take this opportunity to introduce 3 songs that i love during the past weeks: Price tag by jessie j, Friday to sunday by justice crew, and lastly hungover by kesha. U guys should go check it out, its relatively nice and they all sound pretty good.

took a pic when i was bored at work, waiting for my manager to discuss stuff with me, as u can see, the HJ's floor are pretty dirty, or maybe u cant see shit from this pic? HAHA

k gf took this photo, i just thort i would post it up CAUSE U KNOW WAT, my triceps in these pics are so ridiculously big and it is almost funny HAHA, trust me, seriously my arms arent tat big, these pics are such lies HAHA, too much exageration, and the angle projection makes it look huge lol But i am pretty vain, i am in love with my own body sometimes HAHA, and come to think of it, i needa join up gym ASAP! fuck sakes, i am getting thinner T_T
My life is getting busier and busier, and the peak period is coming soon, with my assignments piling up, working, saving up money, shopping. Life has never been so busy compared now to the past. But it is again very exciting and fascinating. It is almost like living at 2 times speed :)

However, before signing off, i would just like to mention a couple of things, especially extracted from the song, Price tag by jessie J. she sang the song with alot of emotions, with sacarsm tone, and i really like it. The song is about life with money. Basically wat its saying is that, money cant buy us alot of things, and life aint just about the price tag, u gotta pay somethings with love. we dun need ur money, and it is not about the money. We should forget about the price tag, and focus more on love. And i think it is sooo fucking true, because when most of the people have money, they start to sway away from who they really are, and they start being really materialistic, and start to climb up to the "status" ladder, with all the struggles. But tats so fking stupid, cause life isnt about money, no1 needs ur money, it is not about the money, wanna make the world dance, and forget the fucking price tag guys? hahaha LOGGING OFF, IDEAL.

Much love <33333333333


  1. yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh so FUCKING TRUE, money isnt everything, that;s what i have been telling my friend but tot i dont mean it wth. and i was hooked on this song immediately, thanks di!

    and this is the most enjoyable post i've read so far, i like it!

    much love from jie :D

  2. THANKS JIE! thanks for supporting me all this while :)
