Saturday 5 February 2011

Adventurous, yet self-discovery night.

Hey guys, it is still chinese new year, but like i said before, my family has kinda eased to celebrate it over the years, ever since we have moved from malaysia. Today was a very very interesting day, eventho shit didnt happen, but i will tell u why it was special and interesting. Just to go through what i did the whole day tho. I woke up this morning, and spent sometime preparing then headed my way to uni. Parents dont like me to abuse the fact that i can drive, and the fact that they gave me a car, they still want me to take the bus, but it was TOO FREAKING hot, so there was no way that i cud have taken the bus...

Anyways, so i headed to uni (half naked in the car, but wore the shirt when i was leaving the car, LOL, now u noe how hot it was?), and today's class was pretty short, most importantly, it was my last accounting managerial control tutorial/seminar. I definately did not regret going, and i felt proud of myself for staying till the end (yes! i made the impossible possible these days :) lolol) After the class, i came back, and did a commentary, but the net was failing, so i cudnt upload it. Probably will upload it tonite, for those waiting viewers from youtube :). As busy as i can get, nevertheless i would still make time for these commentaries to be casted for all you fans :). I just hit 20 subscriptions today, and i just wanted to say again, i love you guys. To most of the people, 20 might not mean much, but to me, like SERIOUS-FKING-LY, it means a whole lot, cause do u noe why? because i cant even count it with my fingers, thats how many ppl are supporting me, online hahaha. Ok enough bullshit, moving to the REAL stuff today.

I figured, exams are coming near, so i ended up heading to the abacus lab ONCE AGAIN, because i know for sure, if i stay at home, i wudnt even do shit, i dont play dota, i dont cast commentaries, i dont tok to ppl on msn, so the question is WHAT THE FUCK am i doing? i dun have an answer, i dun do anything, and the time passes, and it is SO weird. O__________O. Anyway, so after 2.5 hours of studying NON STOP ( i seriously mean non stop, because there was no distraction), i actually finished all the calculations revision, and headed home. Before i officially LEFT the actual campus, i juz thort, since i am alone, and i cant go to sarah/matt's place to talk/chill, i might as well, spend sometime for myself to think things over. One of the other reasons that i was heading to the library, was because of something happened today, and i dont really wanna tell anyone, because its just very unusual of me. So back to what i was saying, i actually, circled around uni, and just spent sometime taking some WEIRD pictures, site...campus, and even the freaking tennis court or some shit. i have no idea why i did it, but ever since i started blogging, i have decided maybe, i should post some pictures up for you guys to see, so its not all about words, and my boring life hahaha.

Chemistry faulty at night juz looks so HAUNTED haha.

Using two computers at the same time, this is how much i abuse shits, when i have them all lolol :)

Business parking lot at night looks so different

Parking expansion construction that has been going for 1 million years LOL.

There were actually people down there playing god knows what, at 9.30pm O_O, must say the spotlight looks so sexy

Examination parking lots with different levels, although somehow it looks a lot like paper lanterns
So I circled around uni for a while, at around 20km/h, just trying to chill, just trying to appreciate what god has given me, what god has done to change me into a better person, and how i have changed from the past. I have been quitting to go to clubs, and parties and stuff like that for a while, and i must say, eventho sometimes it feels like i am an anti-social, and it feels like no1 gives a shit about me, but i do not care LOL. Its been a while, since all those shits have happened, and i am just really glad that i still have my good friends around me, supporting me all these while, and family as well. For me, nights like these are irreplaceable, sometimes people think, YOU HAVE TO go out with someone else, cause it's always more fun to do that, but that is not necessarily true, because when your alone, you think more than when your with someone, and besides, the stuff that u think, is a secret to yourself. But nevertheless, i watched an anime like 30 mins ago, and it's been such a long period, since i have seen the last anime. it gave me different insights and ideas, on how to live a life, and how to not let anyone unecessary to spoil your life.

Sometimes, eventho someone might say my life is full of shit, or it's boring ass. I will let them have it, cause at the end of the day, nothing really matters except me, and having my family and best friends around. :) So for all the readers out there, PLEASE if someone makes you feel like shit, please do not dwell on it, instead forget it, because at the end of the day, nothing matters except your happiness, and please do not let those idiots and nonsenses ruin your mood. :)

Much loves,


  1. stalking much on me hey? HAHAHA! <3

  2. lol? how are all these stalking you? please clarify O_O

  3. Nice post heheh. Are you in business?

  4. @wen i dun quite get ur question, do u mean i am in business school or making business in a company? haha, i am assuming, ur asking if i am a business student, and yes i am one :) graduating this year as well
