Friday 4 February 2011

NaVi vs Virus

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Hey guys this is deal, casting another replay yet again. Today's game's going to be between NaVi and Virus. Due to not having alot of spare time, i will just straight off the bat and proceed to the end game analysis

As you guys would probably have known, Sentinel picks are heavily in favour of early and mid game push. Artstyles has planned this carefully, and deployed it very strategically, which leads to NaVi early game victory, without having the scourge's invoker and spectre being farmed up AT ALL.
Spectre's being heavily outfarmed

Dendi's ulitising full use of early game advantage by uses of wraith bands

Artstyle's rushed Scepter and BoT along with Dendi and Oblivion

Oblivion out farmed every heroes in scourge

For more information about the end game analysis, please watch part 3 of the videos i have posted above, i apologize for not writing deep analysis this time round, because i have got uni tomorrow, and have to go to bed LOL. if i have time tho, i will write it up sooner or later, let me know if you guys wan me to :)

This is ideal signing off.

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