Wednesday 2 February 2011

Life's all about me :)

Hihi, as some of you may know, based on chinese calender, today's the chinese new year's eve. However long i  havent been celebrating chinese new year, i still do not feel like celebrating it, and i dun know why. I still kinda remembered what happened the last time i was celebrating and it was plain tiring. Today's juz an usual day for my family, the only difference that we had, was that we sat down on the dinner table, and all were having the dinner at the same time. i have long forgotten traditions.

This post is purely dedicated to all the chinese people out there: There is a new year ahead, and this year's the beginning again. Treasure someone when you have them around, and dont ever look back to those mistakes and regrets that u have done. Life is all about moving on, overcoming those obstacles that we have come across.I have changed from the past, and all the shits that i have done, and regretting them, they are the past now. There's no point looking back and be depressed about :) This year's a great year ahead. Me and jie have talked ridiculously long last night about what problems we have come across, and why is life so confusing and saddening at times. And i was telling her, i came to a conclusion, that is: Nothing else matters except your own happiness. The world is centred around me, and i dont give a shit, as long as i am happy :)

Anyways pretty short post today, and HAPPY new year!

this is ideal signing off.

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