Saturday 19 February 2011

Resentment and Winter sleep

So hey guys, sorry for not being consistently to blog everyday, but i still do keep my promises to at least post once every 2 days. There hasnt been alot that actually happened, besides me playing games and stuffs like that. I have actually casted two commentaries in 3 days. What an achievement, so for all you fans out there, i am glad that u guys havent given up on me haha. Moving on to other stuffs, I dunno what have i done to actually, make me think of the anime show, called NANA. That anime was hell intense, and i finished all the episodes in less than 2 days. It consists of 50 something episodes, but nevertheless i finished it. I still remember vividly, how that anime show, impacted me, and i think it's one of the reason that i got 2 more piercings done on my left ear, in one go, the next day or so hahaha. Well, if you guys don't know the show, please do have a try at it. All the information can be read by visiting these websites:

For wallpapers, just go to

My mum's gonna come back on next week's tuesday, so hopefully, there wont be alot of stuffs for me to sort out anymore, i am pretty sick of over-organising stuffs for my side, and just seriously cannot be screwed doing anything more, except for myself. My cousin's been helping me and what not, so i aint fussed all too much. Today, when he came back from school, he was asking me to go IGA, down the road, to pick up some shopping, for tonight's burgers meal. Just a couple of crumbed chicken meat, some cheese and milk, with some buns.

It's been a while, since i actually went to IGA, because mum kept asking me to go to Woolworths to do grocery shopping, because items and stuffs from Woolworths,  are alot cheaper than IGA, but it's 4/5 mins further from IGA. I was too lazy to go all the way out to Woolworths, so ended just going to IGA for a while. Matt's having some stuffs planned for tomorrow night, and i have asked sarah to go, but she was saying she doesnt wanna go because she wudnt know most of the people there, which i dont blame her. Probably just gonna be 5/6 people having a dinner, and going home, simple night is always more treasurable than a trashy night. Kinda talked to matt, about what's going on with me just then, indeed felt better than talking a little while haha. Appreciate all of you guys alot when it comes to these stuffs.
One last thing that actually made me so proud is that, i have started having fruits feasts tonight yet again. I have stopped a while ago, cause i was plain lazy, but because i have bought these the other day, if i dont eat them sooner or later, they wud be expired and all, so i figured, why not eat it now? I actually cut banana's, kiwi's, oranges and grapes, and put them onto a plate, i like to make things a little fancier, so i can eat happily haha. And yes, i hate grapes, because they are always too sweet, and high in sugar, but i didn't have a choice.

Normal post today guys, but hope you guys enjoyed it. Signing off.

Much love,

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